October is here and consequently my favourite season. I love autumn with its orange and brown colours. The start of a mist and the mystery that comes with it brings me excitement. It is time to dive into halloween and those dark images.
Be told and be aware as throughout this month I will be working on the halloween theme. I am not starting all dark this year, though. Quite the opposite! I am starting with a beauty. A skull that I’ve acquired long ago while travelling. Its flowers add a feminine touch to its smooth whiteness. Instead of adding it into one of my composite images, I am using it as an watercolour this time. Later on I might use it in illustrations.
For this watercolour, I took a picture of the skull on top of a plate mat. In photoshop, first it was selected, brush or quick selection tool, then a paper tone was added as a first layer. Sketch is created by brush strokes and paths are formed with the pen tool followed by details such as texture, bright and dark lines with outlines.
Therefore here I present my first work from this series of Halloween season; a skull in brushes and lines!

[…] post, I love the autumn season and the darkness of Halloween. For this year I started with a watercolour from a skull and now I’ve created an […]