A few days ago, in the early hours of the morning, a thought crossed in my mind and I had an immediate title for it; the animals revenge. It looks like my brain has been working on what we are living just now.
This virus pandemic is showing, at least to me, how we live in a chronic selfism. Humanity still doesn’t understand that the world evolves in a symbiosis. We need each other….and when I say each other I refer to animals, trees….the ‘simple’ things of our mother nature! The same way we need our bacteria to survive, we need to respect the creatures around us.
My thought reflects that what we are experiencing now is the animals revenge. They had enough of our abuse towards their integrity. Mother nature is screaming to us and trying to let us know by the second or third time that we are not invincible. By the contrary, we are not as strong as other species. We can be referenced as the most intelligent species, but unfortunately our intelligence is not being used wisely and now we are on the side of the weakest ones.
Myself as a human still live with a strong hope and I still believe in humanity. I hope I am right.
I wanted to portray the animals revenge in a conceptual photograph. I didn’t want to allow my thought to vanish within the synapses of my brain. However, I couldn’t take photographs of all the elements for the final image. I used stock images, something I don’t normally do. Therefore I would like to thanks all the creators for making them available. Silvia P Design, Mystics art design and International Space Station view.

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