I always have had an attraction by sun flowers. They are majestic by nature and not long ago I’ve got a beautiful bouquet of them. Now they are sitting by my window and I have the pleasure to be paying attention to this beauty. Today I decided to take a photo for posterity and have multiple exposures of a sunflower.
I’ve recently got familiar with Pep Ventosa‘s way to use multiple exposures and I fell in love by his work. I’ve been playing with his technique and enjoying it a lot.
For this photo I haven’t gone as far as taking 100s photos to obtain those beautiful line shapes. I didn’t go all around the flower. Instead, just at its front 180 degrees. My aim for this one was to have a soft look and my angle view wasn’t as wide as the ones Pep uses a lot.
I took thirteen photographs for the multiple exposures of a sunflower by going around it in very small steps and always aiming to the centre of flower. I stacked them in Affinity Photo and worked layer by layer. First I decreased the overall opacity to check how the images were showing all together. Then I compared the selected layer with the second layer down to the one selected. I transformed what I felt it was necessary, by decreasing or increasing the layer’s opacity and by masking unwanted parts of the picture. At the end the overall opacity was increased again until a desired effect came along and the blend chosen.
Multiple exposure is a fabulous way to explore and come with so many different ideas, producing works with so many different moods.
I love the multiple exposure technique and you have done beautiful job at here creating an atmosphere for this gorgeous subject.
Thank you so much Jamuna! Yes the subject needed a good atmosphere to it 🙂