It has been for a while I had this thought in my mind and didn’t put it out as a photography. I love water and I miss a lot the sea and from time to time I urge to be near one, preferably diving in it. It feels as a necessity, the same way we need water to drink. I wanted to create an image of me amid the water somehow. Knowing that I wouldn’t take a real photo of myself in the water, I had again to make use of composite. Through my conceptual work I had to elicit the meaning of water to me, how I relate to it in a feminine and dramatic way.
Now…to its story;
It was winter, she had spent several days inside. She had a urge to go out, there was something missing, she wasn’t complete. She then run for hours and found water in its natural power. She didn’t think twice, she found what was missing and a minute after, she found herself in it. Herself and water now was one entity – water soul. She was fulfilled and in peace.

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