It was time to fulfil my dream! It was time to see another one of the seven wonders of the world, Taj Mahal! As we arrived at the site, there were some good meters still to walk. Instead we hired a driver with a rickshaw. Once we started walking, we faced a rich detailed terra cotta arch with several domes. Standing in the middle of the arch we could see Taj Mahal sitting well in the middle entirely, not a millimetre to the left or to the right! As soon as I saw it through the arch, I was emotional. What a grand building. What a perfection! Its story and architecture details are impressive. All geometrically planned, meticulously! The details in the marble were all carved with about 3mm depth.
The magnitude of the beauty is something astonishing. It is a beauty that deserves time, quieter time preferably, to digest it. Its surroundings are peaceful. I wanted to feel every corner of it in an attempt to ‘feel’ even better its story, to imagine its main characters.


As we were due to leave Taj, we overlooked the river and another beautiful landscape appeared in front of our eyes. This time a boat with maybe fisher men on it. The view was soft and calm with the haze surrounding. The thousands dots seen in the picture are nonetheless than birds. Seeing this beautiful scenery and feeling the coldness of the Taj’s marble by my touch made me forget about all those people around. It was as if I had left the actual world and immersed into those ancient times.

Last view
I could have stayed there for ages looking Taj and the surrounding area. I wanted to spend the night over there as the full moon on that evening would be illuminating the beauty. Oh if I knew!! It was time to go and this one was my last sight of it.

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