Pushcar was our final destination and it stays high on the hills with a beautiful view as you go up. Among the temples and hills there is an area, which they consider their desert where we experienced a camel ride during sunset and I have to confess I didn’t feel very safe. The real camel drivers, the ones pushing us didn’t have the command over the animals as I expected. Apart from the camel getting up and getting down, I felt at ease. 🙂

The village is surrounded practically by waters, it is very common to see people bathing and paying their respects for their Gods and throwing flowers into the water. We first went to the main temple over there and I admired people devotion and their respect. We then wandered around the town, where I could observe more colours of India, more of the Indian lives.

Our marvellous trip finished with a beautiful New Year cake, a surprise arranged by our guide from KE adventure. Words are not enough to describe the experience we had. Indian people are beautiful inside out! India at a first sight is plain, harsh. However seeing it deeply into our souls, it is mystical, colourful and wonderful!

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