When I read alarming news regarding the high possibility of a climate catastrophe, I just think how human beings are indeed just an ephemeral part of nature and how indeed they are not the most evolved species in the planet. At least, accordingly to my beliefs, as it looks like we are all contributing to our extinction….sad days ahead for the next generations…if nothing is done…now!
I remember when I was a kid singing by heart one of the Renaissance musics that I loved, Carpet of the Sun – 1975. Part of its lyrics are:
“The seed that you plant today
Tomorrow will be a tree
And living goes on this way
It’s all part of you and me
See the carpet of the sun
The green grass soft and sweet
Sands upon the shores of time
Of ocean mountains deep
Part of the world that you live in
You are the part that you’re giving“
It is so true, isn’t it???!!!
I really hope us human beings understand that our selfism is destroying us all, this wonderful Mother Nature that we make part of. Let’s take care of it well, let’s cherish it!! Let’s respect it above all. Lets respect our own being!

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