Jaipur was our next stop during our trip to India. Another fort was awaiting. This time the Amber Fort, full of details! From outside it looked simple, bare. As I approached the courtyard at the ground level I noticed the same features from outside. The richness started as soon as we reached the top level of the fort. The details are tremendous, colourful. The mixture of Hindu and Islam architectures was even more noticeable. Unbelievable to realise the amount of work put into the Hall of Victory with its multi mirrored ceiling.

Market and streets of the city
We spent a good afternoon on the streets of Jaipur admiring the market, the goods, the people and the city! Part of it has large roads and it is well wooded with more green around. It is a very busy city where traffic is chaotic too and where mini taxis, motorbikes, cows and more can be seen all at once on the streets. There are beautiful temples in between the shops in the market with signs asking politely to take shoes off. Seeing the old city painted in pink (terra cotta) as a welcome to the Duque of England made me think of the kind nature of Indian people thoughts.

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