While walking yesterday under a snow blizzard I faced this tree practically by itself, persevering to stand strong.
Is it not interesting to observe the patience and endurance of a tree during its life cycle? Without its leaves, naked from autumn until spring having to undergo the bitterness of winter. Then it comes the whys…why do they stand, why do they persevere? How are they beyond what we see…Are there connections underneath the soil and they are not alone as we think?
We humans are thankful for the trees existence and patience as we depend upon on them. Why can’t we be extremely giving as the trees are? Why are we so disrespectful and selfish towards our mother nature? What about us? Are we strong enough to have a life cycle we are not aware of? Do our entity go and come?
Is humanity persevering to stand strong? Is the earth going through a normal chaotic cycle or are we that are causing it? At the moment I have my doubts. The advances we have made are leading us to a hash environment. Is it really worthwhile?
Oh ephemeral mysterious life…and because of that I created this multiple exposure of this lonely tree in winter surrounding Whitelee windfarm. Is it not really interesting the thoughts that are brought to mind when we give us time to observe the world?

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