I have been immersing into the blurs! At the moment I have a project in mind, which involves lots of softness. I’ve joined a mentorship program with a group of photographers and the journey is being fabulous. It is a way for me to get lots of practice, remind myself of some techniques and be ready for what I want to achieve.
These days I’ve been surrounded by long exposures, multiple exposures, rotation of the camera, rotation of myself and more. What I am loving the most is that I’ve gone back to playing, to experiment and let the results come into light without prejudice.
I will be posting some of the results in my next few posts. For this one, I’ve chosen a photo I took while riding my bike. Just for clarity, I came off the bike while taking it as I don’t consider myself an expert to do both at the same time. I would never imagine that I would be posting a photo taken with my mobile in my blog! But I am. It is amazing what we can do with a phone nowadays :-). Also it shows all of us how we don’t need to be so restrictive with regard to equipment.
I have an iPhone and the app I have used is Slow Shutter Cam. It is a brilliant app from what I’ve seen so far, as its been not for long I’ve been using it. In this photo I only used a long shutter speed and rotated softly my phone. It gave me the exactly feeling I was hoping for. A soft painterly look.
Moral of the story; play always, give room to your imaginations with whatever you have on your hands!

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