As I progress through the 100 day project, I decided to learn how to draw the earth. I managed and I was quite happy with it. However, I decided to go further and dramatised it a lot. I think we all need to take the matter seriously. As I posted last year about it, we need to switch off our self destruction button and have a broader vision of what our race really needs…
How was it done?
In fact, it was done very simply. I used Adobe Fresco. Traced a circle using the assistance tool for shapes. Using the pencil brush I draw the continents. Filled everything using the bucket tool. For the fire coming out from the continents, I used one of the concept brushes in their collection. These brushes are really easy accessed by pressing the plus button at the bottom of the brush panels and selecting discover new brushes. Once in the new panel, you just have to follow the brushes you have interest in. The drops of water coming out of the earth were also done using the rain brush from the same collection. I’ve brushed some clouds over the earth, draw the melting points and added a nice texture I painted in the background. Simple, isn’t it? Bellow is the time lapse, so you have an idea of the process.
Result as an image. 🙂

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