Continuing the series of the short stories written by my daughter, today the theme revolves in a world of sweets. Transforming a fantasy short story into a composite is always fun and for this one, it was the first time that I created something completely different from my style.
The title for this short story is Sweets in site! The short story is as follows.
It all began on a Sunday. I was just walking around the house when I went into my room. There was a new door. I opened it and I think it was a portal. I stepped inside not knowing what could be in there. When I came out I actually was not in a dangerous world at all. I was in a candy world! Everything and I mean, everything was made out of candy! When it rains it is candy…
Transforming the fantasy short story into the composite
The first important element for the composite had to be a girl. Preferably one that would be astonished with the world of sweets. In the original drawing the girl was in the middle, happy with her arms raised. Her clothes had a sweet on it, quite at the front. Several sweets, candies, cupcakes and chocolates, surrounded her and at the background just the top part of a huge candy was showing as if it was a mixture of sun and rainbow.
I looked for a picture of my daughter when younger, playing in the ground and I decided to go for it to give the feeling she was scanning for all sweets and getting excited.
The second element had to be the scene. I needed one that would give me space in the foreground for the girl to fit well in and for me to put all the sweets. I chose one where there was a bendy path and from it I could put smarties coming out of it as if it was a river of smarties coming from the scene until out of the door. The door, itself, is a stock image kindly provided by Susannp4.
My next step was to blend the sky with a pink/blue ball photograph I had taken in the past. Never throw old photos away! The ball’s texture was perfect to mimic the curved shape of the original big candy in the background. Last but not the least all the deliciousness, the sweets, falling from the sky and spread around the ground. The sweets came from old photos I had of them.
The result of transforming a fantasy short story into a composite was complete and here it is!
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